Subject: Please do the following for a new life style to keep out COVID-19.
No. 1: Consolidate personal safety measures (wash hands often and wear a mask when ideal social distance is not possible, or when in public transportations). In case of a fever (ear, above 38 ˚C and forehead above 37.5 ˚C), coughing or with acute respiratory symptoms, please seek medical help and rest at home. Do not go to class, work, or participate in activities. Report to THU Health Management System by logging in to (https://ithu.tw/health), so that we could help.
No. 2: Please maintain social distance in any activities held on campus (1.5 m for outdoor and 1 m for indoor); when that is not possible, please wear a mask. Try to use partition boards or alternate seats to ensure safety distance. For larger scale activities, temperature should be measured at the entrance besides providing hand cleaner. The number of participants should be under control with names kept in record. Sterilization for sanitation should be enforced.
No. 3: Measuring temperature at all entrances into campus are now not a must. But at all other campus halls and gathering places, measuring temperature is at the discretion of activity organizers. Thermometers are still available at all teaching units and offices.
No. 4: Campus is now open to visitors and community, according to the new policy of CDC on June 7.