- 日期 : 2020-03-27
- 分類 :
- 點閱 : 994
1. 春假期間避免出國及聚會活動。
2. 請由您的課程系統發送e-mail關心、提醒學生們,春假期間避免出國及參加 聚會活動。
3. 請老師熟悉ilearn中zoom的功能,做好準備。
- 春假結束前,我們將再調查全校教職員生的旅遊史、接觸史、及健康狀況,請各位老師配合確實填寫。https://ithu.tw/health
- 本週五課程結束後,全校教室將全部消毒完畢後關閉,4月6日才會重新開啟使用。
- 春假結束後仍須持續進行防疫點名,上課前請確認學生已量體溫並貼有健康貼紙,才進入教室。學生如有不舒服,請其戴上口罩就醫並回家休息。如有需要可通報校安中心(23509595)或健康中心(23590227)。
- 教室若須開冷氣,請同時開窗開門,雖然耗能,然而在防疫期間防疫措施仍是最重要的考慮。
Dear Colleagues:
Peace to you all! According to experts, the coming 9 days of spring break is crucial for curbing COVID-19 spread. Everyone needs to stay home and quit gathering to help flatten the curve. We want to see you return to school after the spring break -- safe and sound.
Here below are what you can do to help
- Avoid trips abroad and social gatherings.
- E-mail your students through THU system and remind them to do the same.
- Boost your command of Zoom on iLearn.
Important announcements
- Before returning to school, we will conduct a survey concerning where you have been to for traveling and whom you have been in contact with as well as your health conditions. Please go to website and report truthfully: https://ithu.tw/health
- All classrooms will be sanitized before shutting down after Friday and will be open again only after April 6.
- Okay-stickers (after measuring temperature) are still needed for permission to class and attendance check continues. Anyone not feeling well, please put on a mask immediately before seeking medical help and returning home. If you need assistance, please call TEL: 04-23509595 or 04-23590227.
- If AC is on, please open the windows as well for ventilation. Safety now overrides cost in fighting COVID-19.
The battle is still on and we need to prepare for the worst with our very best. We wish you all health and safety during the break!
THU Anti-epidemic Team.