1. 教師:請立即通知開課單位,並啟動補課措施,再由開課單位至本校自主健康管理通報網通報教務處註課組。
2. 學生:請立即通知所屬系所並向修課教師請假,由授課教師啟動補課措施,再由所屬系所至本校自主健康管理通報網通報教務處註課組。
敬祝 平安健康
Dear students, teachers, and colleagues:
The following are the policies for pausing and resuming a class due to Covid-19 in case you are under home quarantine, home confinement for virus inspection, or under self-health management.
Please alert the school on your own for the public good if you are under self-health management since THU would not receive any notice from the Center for Disease Control.
1. Teachers: Please alert the course-offering units with plans for making up classes. Also please alert the Registration and Curriculum Section through Self-health Management System.
2. Students: Please notify your department and ask for a leave of absence from your teacher. Also please have your department alert the Registration and Curriculum Section through Self-health Management System.
The attachment is a flow chart delineating the mechanism for tracing and managing high-risk citizens. For other information, please visit our Website for Covid-19 info.
✧ Self-health Management System:https://form2.thu.edu.tw/1183269
✧ Website for Covid-19 info. Registration and Curriculum Section:https://regcurri.thu.edu.tw/zh_tw/coronavirus
✧ CDC:https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Disease/SubIndex/N6XvFa1YP9CXYdB0kNSA9A
Best regards,
Registration and Curriculum Section
Translated by the English Language Center